MAAC marbles: custom marble projects from a century-old company
Whatever style you adopt for the rooms in your home, a marble floor will have no problem blending in with any other element present.
And this is mainly due to one of the greatest advantages of an absolutely natural material: the existence of a very large number of variants, each characterized by a different color.
In addition to interior flooring, marble often plays a starring role in staircases, slabs, table tops, partition walls.
The material also lends itself excellently to be used for design objects such as lamps, and mosaics for wall coverings.
Of course you will be free to choose it for outdoor flooring.
MAAC Marble, which specializes in Carrara marble, makes marble aimed at all these areas, also producing coverings for yachts and ships.
Why choose interior marbles?
Durability and flexural strength are two of the most valued characteristics of marble.
Also worth mentioning is the ease of processing, aimed at making the material adaptable to any project.
Among the various claddings available today, marble is definitely the most elegant option, proving perfect for those who wish to add a touch of personality to environments, whether they are indoor or outdoor.
Being a natural stone, marble is not replicable and cannot be mass-produced.
Each paving, therefore, is different from the next, with the natural veins able to intertwine with each other to form geometric patterns.
And the processing technologies that we at MAAC Marbles have adopted only highlight precisely the natural veining of marble.
Not being intended solely for flooring, marble adds a hint of poetry to homes, allowing those who reside in them to live in unique environments.
The splendid uniqueness of marble tables
Marble tables represent a piece of furniture that has elegance as its main value.
Particularly characterizing the market are tables formed from multiple materials.
Our team of craftsmen, for example, creates tables that place wood and iron alongside marble.
This will be the ideal option if your goal is to create a personalized environment.
Alternatively, you will have at your disposal our “essential” marble tables.
In this case, the outer structure is made entirely of marble, including the legs.
And the steel core makes it easy to transport and assemble.
Do you have a spacious living room?
It will be a lightened marble table that will best satisfy you.

Marbles for exteriors: ad hoc solutions from MAAC Marbles
At one time, marble was used outdoors only to create memorial states Thanks to the technologies available today, this is no longer the case, opening the material to new uses.
Turn to MAAC Marbles and you will quickly learn about our solutions for seating, ventilated facades, pavements and curbs.
Shared between outdoor and indoor marble are both aesthetic and mechanical qualities.
However, there is a difference related to finishes.
In the case of exteriors, in fact, polishing and honing are replaced by brushing, acidizing and bush-hammering.
Carrara marble room design
White and crystalline, rich in veining and gray intrusions: these are just some of the highlights of Carrara marble, a natural material that, throughout its long history, has not lost an iota of its appeal. It is not surprising, consequently, that for several years now it has been increasingly sought after, especially for its ability in lending brightness to any room. If you want to welcome your guests by offering them an elegant home in its uniqueness, we at MAAC Marbles will know how to offer you the best of our production. We employ collaborators who are constantly engaged in selecting blocks in the quarrying cables, setting as our goal to ensure the highest quality. Marble slabs are first resin-coated, then polished and honed. And this attention allows us to put wear-resistant slabs on offer to the public. In addition to Carrara marble, the material in which we have decided to specialize, we place Greek and Tunisian marble, as well as Roman travertine, guaranteeing custom marble projects.
A shared experience with customers through the magic of 3D
One aspect of our work that we are particularly proud of is the fact that we share every single stage of marble flooring production with our customers.
This means, first of all, that you will have the opportunity to select the starting block (either directly at the quarry or by choosing those already placed in our warehouses).
You will then be able to see for yourself how the marble slabs we offer to those who put their trust in us are actually the ones we use.
We do not think it is possible to do otherwise, because we are aware that no one slab, by its nature, is the same as another.
Instead, during processing, you will evaluate with us what finish is best to use, and size and thickness of the tiles.
Documenting what happens during the production of the paving tiles will be a series of photographs; it is our concern to share them with customers in real time.
We are accustomed to making every job in 3D, ensuring photographic quality.
Choosing us for your projects, you will realize this by opening the link we will send you: you will watch the scenery change according to the type of marble or color.
How we implement our projects
The marble that MAAC marbles presents to the public undergoes different types of processing, depending on the final destination.
Specifically, we bring to the market open-spot, running-spot and “random” floors.
In the former case, our aim during the floor assembly stage is to bring to life multiple geometric shapes.
For the result to live up to expectations, we employ large starting slabs with numerous veins, preferably flashy ones.
Once digitally scanned, we turn to calculating the cuts taking into account the dimensions of the interior.
In fact, the subsequent design will have to be perfectly centered.
As far as running flooring is concerned, as the name anticipates, it does not give rise to geometric designs, precisely letting the grain “run” freely.
Similar to open stain, the design involves scanning the slabs and cutting them.